nancy goodfellow


The Goodfellow Massage approach is to focus on developing a plan of individualized massage sessions  An initial evaluation determines the overall health of the client, the client's desired results, the potential need for referral to other health care professionals, and the setting of goals for increasing the well being of the client. The massage practitioner then works to achieve this goal through massage tailored to the clients needs. Massage stimulates the nervous, circulatory, and respiratory systems, connective tissue, and muscles to provide a decrease in muscle tension, relief of pain related to soft tissue dysfunction, increased circulation, and many other benefits. Nancy Goodfellow specializes in assisting people with special needs and medical conditions.

Goodfellow Massage also provides an energizing acupressure chair massage to the employees of corporations and events (large and small).

Nationally Certified Massage Practitioner,professional member of since 1999.

My massage therapy education began in 1986.... Attended the Health Enrichment Center, Lapeer, Michigan in 1998-99. Pursued many classes, practiced on the willing, read many books while maintaining a full time key postion with a non-profit organization. Beginning in 2001 Goodfellow Massage became a reality. Today I maintain a full-time massage therapy practice in Oxford, Michigan. Located in a private, quiet setting just minutes from M-24 (Lapeer Road).

I offer the far infrared sauna for relaxation purposes before a massage. If you would like to read more about the protocol for detoxing using the sauna Sherry Rogers, MD has written a book 'Detoxify or Die'. Her website is I highly recommend reading the book for in depth information to anyone considering serious detoxing.